Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Yea, I have my fall and winter clothes.  That is a big relief.  I am so grateful that hurdle has been taken care of.  It is still unseasonably warm, but that is not going to last much longer I am sure. 

I also finally heard back from two of the non profits I contacted and have set up appointments for next week.  One of them gives no interest loans that you have up to year to pay back.  So that should get me some sort of housing with a roommate situation, at least I hope.  I have been waiting to hear back from them for quite a while now.  The process just moves so slowly that it gets very frustrating, to the point that you feel like giving up. 

I also heard about a church that will help with car repairs.  So if I can get my car fully repaired that would be another great help.  I am going to look into that on my next day off. 

Today is one of those days that makes me feel hopeful that this will be over with before the dead of winter sets in. 

I also have not seen creepy guy in quite a while, so that is another relief.  I was able to have a good meal today with a gift card that I won at work.  Salad and meat.  Wow, I have not had both those things at the same meal in like a year or so. 

So all and all today has been a very good day.  I get so few of them, that I am very thankful when they come. 

I hope that your day has gone as well as mine did today.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the updates, and God bless you in your search for a roommate situation. I don't comment much, but I do check in from time to time, so don't stop posting

